The Real Estate and Allied Trade division of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation took over the Museum of Contemporary Art's Wynwood outpost Wednesday night for a few hours of frenetic networking, kosher hors d'oeuvres eating, and general Semitic mayhem. Within ten minutes the valet line snaked around two lawless Wynwood blocks as the various agents, developers, marketing people, and real estate world coterie idled in their cars, refusing to venture out into the ungentrified night.

Young real estate hopefuls rubbed shoulders with wizened local developers as "Mocatinis" (a scotch-infused cocktail with not much else besides scotch in the mix) were passed around along with kosher sushi, beef skewers, and crowd-pleasing mini hot dogs.

The setting proved an inspired choice for the fast-talking network-ready crowd since the cordoned-off art collection was a perfect place to make important phone calls and catch a break from the rabid real estate agents in the crowded and sweaty main room.

These kids are SO happy to be surrounded by Jewish realtors.
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