Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Morimoto Migrates South

Like all smart snowbirds Iron Chef Morimoto plans to fly south this summer and hang with the old folks. He's opening a restaurant in Florida. But not in Miami, alas. In Boca. Accoding to "Cafe Bites," a New Times foodies newsletter, the chef is opening a sushi place at the Boca Raton Resort. From the post:

"Details are still sketchy, but the sushi-oriented restaurant will have an ocean theme — blue hues, white marble, and mahogany — done by New York multimedia designer Ben Rubin. Apparently the Iron Chef works hard to keep his iron constitution. “Every once in a while, he comes down here and you can see him jogging around the resort,” says PR director Carole Boucard. “And people are screaming, ‘Oh my God! That’s Morimoto!’”

Damn. I love me some Iron Chef vittles but not enough to schlep up to GatedCommunityville.


SteveBM said...

Im up in that area from time to time so that would be great to check out. I still havent forgave myself for skipping out on his place in Philly. Im back there in September though so I have a chance to redeem myself...as long as there isnt a Red Sox playoff game that night.

sara said...

Next time I'm in NYC I'll have to check out his mega-resto there.